API Status

Jul 2024
27 Jul 2024, 08:07 UTC : All services operating normally
Jun 2024
No incidents reported
May 2024
No incidents reported
Apr 2024
No incidents reported
Mar 2024
No incidents reported
Feb 2024
No incidents reported
Jan 2024
No incidents reported
Dec 2023
31 Dec 2023, 06:10 UTC : Failing instance removed
31 Dec 2023, 05:45 UTC : 1 instance shows degraded performance
Nov 2023
No incidents reported
Oct 2023
No incidents reported
Sep 2023
22 Sep 2023, 00:08 UTC : Cloudflare is investigating issues with network performance
14 Sep 2023, 16:16 UTC : Issue resolved by removing the failing server
14 Sep 2023, 16:15 UTC : One of the application servers shows degraded performance
Aug 2023
No incidents reported